Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Truth Comes Out!

This cutie is Brooklyn. We were lucky enough to get to babysit her twice so far. This was our second time. She feels right at home with us and I personally think it is because she is one of us "B's". Now below you will see what I mean by the truth comes out. My family and Martin's family already know about my LITTLE "OCD" problem. Since moving to Houston I have started medicine to help this and it has helped, but there is no medicine THAT strong:)
SOOOOO- Here is the big truth-If you ever leave your child with me expect that they will be cleaning my house at some point:) My kids have always loved playing with the cleaning toys. My mother has always said that it is a little sad that they thought that is what you do for fun and that they enjoyed it. They even knew how to take the accessories off the vacuums and use them:) I personally never thought twice about it. I think these toys are the best!

At one point Brooklyn was using the vacuum in one hand and trying to sweep with the other. I wasn't quick enough with the camera. Don't worry Tena, we didn't break too many child labor laws! You can blame Bailey, she pulled the toys out when she realized Brooklyn liked watching me vacuum the back room.

I know a good maid service if anyone is looking.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tired Ones

Don't ask. Blake has been waking up with the best hair. Bailey took these pictures. And yes she is scratching.

Could it be, because she hardly sleeps?????

Blake makes everybody tired:)

Summer Is In, Let The Fun Begin!

Yes,it is that time of year were we are always at the lake! So, sorry, but the pictures are going to be the same and are going to be A LOT:) What can I say? My kids are lake rats. This time we decided to take Bronx because he was needing a little more exercise than usual, and those who know Bronx know he gets a lot of exercise, well he got more than he bargained for that day:)
Watching over Blake as she sleeps.

Hanging in the front with the girls.

Martin wake skating.

Cousin Hana put a "cute" sticker on Bronx face:)

Cousin Jonah getting a kick out of Brayden.

Beautiful Hana.

The BIG entertainer.

Hana, Blake, Jonah, and Brayden on the tube going about 3 miles on hour. Hana and Brayden are bored and Blake is scared to death:)



This is how the "B" Dinh's tube!

Mr.Dinh is 5 !

Brayden Dominic turned turned 5 on June 13. I can't believe how fast my loving man has grown. I can honestly say he is my favorite son:) Brayden always manages to keep us entertained, and even though he is surrounded by girls he is truly all boy. We were worried that wouldn't be the case when we realized he would be the only boy, but to our surprise he is quite the meat head or as Uncle Brock and Aunt Tara say, meat stick. I think having sisters only makes you meaner, as Granddaddy will testify, but at the same time he is a great BIG mommas boy who can be the sweetest and most loving guy to his WHOLE family. We love you Mr. Dinh and are so glad you were sent to us!